Initial findings
Initial findings

Initial findings

Before going any further, what do you know about modern genetic engineering? Not Much? Read this first please.




This is a walk through some of the evidence of COVID 19 being a controlled op or accidental release of a bioweapon. It goes over the background of the person who isolated the virus, started the Wet Market narrative and the false claim that it was not airborne, as well as their past work and past discoveries, including a virus be what was modified at the Wuhan virology lab, paid for by a NIAD grant. It also covers this persons current position, working as a fact checker for facebook. It is basically like if on the first day of the OJ trial, everyone learned that OJ was also working as the judge and stenographer of his own trial. Slight conflict of interest, no?

Watch this please and then if you can please share it with everyone you’ve ever know, cuz otherwise, they will fix the flaws in their virus and re release for full effect this fall.

Dr Danielle Elizabeth Anderson

Isolation of Nipah Virus
Isolation of Sars-Cov2
“We’ve seen outbreaks in the past, and we think we know what we’re doing,” she said in an interview with NBC News. “And so, for me it’s a really, really big surprise, why it is spreading so quickly. So, it seems that it’s extremely contagious, and it’s not airborne, but it is contagious.”

The bat grant

What does Eco Health Alliance do? Well, it looks like CIA level (or beyond) global tracking app development and implementation, as well as marketing, for the most part. Oh , nearly forgot, they also work as a proxy to disburse $ from Faucci’s agency to bioweapons labs in the Hubei district of China
ecohealthalliance- missing page from there website was a link to this-
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  • Date :

    Nov . 10 . 2020

  • Do you trust the news? You shouldn’t.