The Maniac Monday Movie Review of the Highlander will be exactly on time, tomorrow. With a review this good, anticipation is key. In the meantime, please enjoy this update on the recent happenings in Nevada.
A last minute attempt to delay the implementation of the new net metering rates, by the Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), a coalition of some of the largest solar installers in the country, may be dead on arrival. A hearing is scheduled for Thursday, January 14, where both the TASC petition and a similar one from the Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection will be reviewed by PUC, the Nevada utilities commission. Unfortunately, in its filing, PUC Staff Counsel Tammy Cordova had this to say,
“Staff does not believe there is a reasonable likelihood that TASC will prevail on the merits of the matter asserted in its motion … “
She continued in the same filing,
“In fact, staff believes that failure to timely implement the commission’s order could cause greater customer confusion,” the filing says. “Timely implementation of the NEM rate structure, when customers are expecting a change in their NV Energy bills, will provide the greatest opportunity for those customers to review and seek understanding of how the new rate structure will affect them.”
It’s a bad time to be a solar customer in Nevada. While this event is bad for all solar customers, it’s really bad for all the people who signed 30 year leases, their costs for electricity nearly doubled. We will keep you informed of any major changes as the story progresses.